Ried Liebenberg Grüner Veltliner 2020 Pichler

4.4 sterren - 3 professionele reviews
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Classificatie Cru Classe
Wijnsoort Wit
Producent Pichler
Jaar 2020
Land Oostenrijk
Streek Wachau
Inhoud 0,75
Conditie Perfect
Etiket Perfect
Drinkbaar -2040
Voorraad 0

Professionele reviews

Robert Parker (94)

From the very stony, southwest-facing, terraced cru, the 2020 Ried Liebenberg Grüner Veltliner opens with a pure, flinty and herbal bouquet of crushed stones, lots of spices and still-reduced fruit. Juicy-piquant and finessed, with nervy, salty acidity and quite round and charming fruit for this vintage, Lucas Pichler's 2020 Liebenberg tastes lively despite the pretty low total acidity of 4.5 grams per liter. Tasted as a sample in June 2021, to be bottled in July. 2020 is the first vintage Lucas Pichler doesn't use the predicates of the Vinea anymore since he left the group earlier this year.

Winespectator (95)

Enormously herbal, but these are all dried herbs and they are married to an enormously compact, medium to full body that melts in your mouth, in spite of the firm tannin structure underlying all this. So much mineral freshness at the very long, silky finish.

BOW (8.50)

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