Chardonnay Charles Heintz 2022 Amici

4.4 sterren - 2 professionele reviews
€ 59,95 (excl. BTW)
72,54 (in. BTW)
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(max. 14)
Classificatie Cru Classe
Wijnsoort Wit
Producent Amici
Jaar 2022
Land Verenigde Staten
Streek Sonoma
Druif Chardonnay
Alcohol % 13.6%
Inhoud 0,75
Conditie Perfect
Etiket Perfect
Drinkbaar -2034
Voorraad 14

Professionele reviews

James Suckling (96)

White truffle, cooked apple and hints of hazelnut, caramel and matchstick on the nose and palate. Full-bodied but not heavy. Very intense, vibrant and structured. Fantastic chardonnay. Wente clone as always. Drink or hold.

BOW (8.50)

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